Looking to start your own blog? Your own website? You can do it in a few minutes for completely free. In this article, I will share top 5 free platforms to host website So let’s dive in.
Top 5 Free Platforms to Host Websites
Vercel enables developers to build and publish wonderful things. Building of deploying projects in this platform is pretty easy. This platform is very fast.
Github Pages
GitHub Pages allows you to serve any static website straight from your repository. Since GitHub pages support custom domains, you can host a static website on GitHub pages free of charge, with deploys straight from Git.
Host your static websites for free with gatsby. Gatsby Cloud now has a global edge network that can deliver optimized content to visitors around the world, using SSL, encryption at multiple layers, and a world-class CDN powered by Fastly.
An intuitive Git-based workflow and powerful serverless platform to build, deploy, and collaborate on web apps. You can use Netlify to build and deploy websites and web apps fast.
Tinny Host
Tinny Host with the aim of making the web more accessible to all users. In Tinny Host, it is very easy to host your website.
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